VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH was founded by Pastor Rader M. Ogden under the Leadership of God to be an independent Baptist Church. The church was started on January 31, 1982 at 310 Kalorama Street, Staunton, Virginia. The mission of the church was and is to win people to Jesus Christ, to place missionaries around the world in obedience to the Great commission of Jesus Christ, and to educate and edify the Body of Christ.
The first service of Victory Baptist Church was attended by fourteen people with the first offering being two hundred dollars. Out of this group came the nucleus of people who became the founding members of the church.

By November of 1984 the Church had out grown it present location on Kalorama Street and moved to the old Four-Square Gospel Church building on West Beverly Street. We were able to rent the building for five hundred dollars a month. This would adequately meet the needs of the fifty-five-member congregation. The additional Sunday School space enabled us to expand our Sunday School to teach all age groups. Also, the larger auditorium gave freedom to enlarge the pulpit ministry with revivals and missionary conferences.

On February 27, 1986 the church purchased three acres of land near Jollivue, Virginia for the price of thirty thousand dollars from Mr. George Dillion.
On February 3, 1987 the church was able to pay the off the land. By March of 1987 the church with a congregation of seventy-four members and annual income of fifty-six thousand dollars the church started to build the present building. The plans were to finish the basement of the building and hold services there until the auditorium could be finished. In November of 1988 Victory Baptist Church held its first service in its new building. On Easter Sunday of 1990 the first service was held in the freshly finished auditorium.